We are truly living in trying times. Sometimes it's downright disgusting to see what fellow humans are capable of doing to each other. Every day countless murders, rapes, and unimaginable atrocities are committed on a regular basis, and the world just seems to turn a blind eye and move on. "As long as it doesn't directly affect ME, it's not a problem", we seem to believe. These are the things that should be at the very top of all our list for things We, and by We I do mean US, the inhabitants of Earth, must take responsibility for and change. However, to fix an issue you must understand it first. I believe that many of these crimes by humans against humans are a product of the different mindsets that predominate in the society we live in. Our diverse cultures, though very rich in beauty, are also rich in violent, oppressive and sometimes even cruel traditions. These unannounced indoctrinations can sow the seeds of evil in our hearts and corner us in our own ignorance. Our only sources of ethics and morality are not our own, handed down from thousands of years and, to put it bluntly, are incredibly outdated. This is how I'd like to help.
    I'd like to become a force for the dissemination and propagation of reason and tolerance around the world. If I could only choose one cause, it would be to attempt to unify the human race and awaken their minds. To teach an entire species to think for itself is no easy task, and we desperately need a wake up call. Recently it's begun to happen; now we only need to keep the ball rolling. For this I think it's necessary to provide a refuge for the spiritually oppressed, and I use the term "spiritually" loosely to refer to those that feel they can't be themselves because of their surroundings. Sounds ambiguous, I know, but I truly believe if we can quench the thirst for knowledge of a few, they will pay it forward because of the very nature of knowledge, which isn't something you harvest for your own private use and gain, but you sort of channel subtly it into the people around you, without even noticing, for the rest of your life. If we can get more people to think, really think, about the trivialities that make us "different" and separate us, we can overcome them and become stronger than we've ever been. Strength in numbers is all that matters, and sadly, ignorance and oppression have a big fan base.
  A quasi-similar organization, The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science is an example of the ideological vein of the movement I'm imagining. Our vision would be to create a chain of safe havens, commune style, for people seeking to escape from oppressive backgrounds. Judgement-free zones for level headed debate and discussion. Our mission would be to attempt to destroy all unwanted and culturally-imposed mindsets. By this we mean, through offering free-of-charge services (the ins and outs of the finances still need ironing out) such as sponsored talks, colloquiums and, if the money-God allows it, housing, we would seek to undo any deep, underlying, seeds of self-doubt, self-loathing, self-righteousness and self-deception. These are the very things cults thrive on, and cults are thriving on our world and our people and especially on our children, who are defenseless. I don't want to live in a world where we teach our children that they were made by a loving God, but flawed, and if they don't realize their flaw, repent and accept God, they will burn eternally. Their "flaw" is their very humanity and teaching them to "be good", not for the sake of doing good, but for the fear of divine retribution is not morality at all, it's brainwashing on a global scale.  If there's one thing I could change on this planet, I'd like to help end that.  At the very least try and help, the rest is ultimately up to US.

If there were a film made about my life so far, the role of Me could only be played by none other than a young Bill F. Murray. Hey, if he could play Hunter S. Thompson ('Where the Buffalo Roam') he could pull me off, no pun intended. I can see it now:
Bill Murray in a 'The Darjeeling Limited'-esque pilgrimage to some far away land in search of some great question who's answer turns out to be shockingly trivial and anticlimatic. There may be a love or two along the way, but never IN the way. Bill Murray don't roll like that.. At least not while he's supposed to be me. It would be directed by the Coen brothers (only if Tommy Wiseau declines) and have a bunch of amazing supporting actors that would give the film all the subtleties that make films great. The hint of actual people, living actual lives. People you can relate to. It would be a feel-good film, yet unintentionally, like 'The Big Lebowski'. Dishing out small appetizers of wisdom between heavy all-you-can-eat portions of profanity. To add a bit more of myself into the mix, I'd demand to be in charge of the score, and, to be fair, I'd probably get some help from a select group of people, but the music would have to be as perfect as it is diverse. The ending wouldn't be a cliffhanger or a "happy"ending. An ending does it's job best when it doesn't feel like an end, rather a beginning. A resolution. A reflection on the past that spawns a resolve to change. Kind of like an 'Into the Wild' thing but without the dying young and alone in Alaska part. If I could get away with sneaking in a love affair with Stephen Fry I would. That man is capable of powerful, powerful things. But if Stephen were in the film I'd have to play myself, 'cause ain't nobody gonna touch my man. 

The title would be 'Too Weird Too' in reference to a quote from Hunter S. Thompson's 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas': "There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass-production. Too weird to live, too rare to die."

I've never been to Europe.
I administer my own website.
I am mostly empty inside.
I have 5 names and 8 last names.
I was a third degree black belt.
I'm happy.